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Monthly Archives: August 2024


Takata Airbags Still a Threat

By Salazar & Kelly Law Group, P.A. |

Maybe you remember hearing about airbag recalls a decade or so ago. At that time, Takata was forced to recall millions of their airbags after they exploded and caused numerous injuries and deaths.  Unfortunately, problems persist with Takata airbags, and some manufacturers are so concerned that they’ve issued Do Not Drive warnings for some… Read More »

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Sideswipe Accidents

By Salazar & Kelly Law Group, P.A. |

The crash was horrendous. As two vehicles headed into a curve on I-295, they collided, sending one vehicle to the left into the median, where it flipped over, causing only minor injuries.  Tragically, the driver of the other vehicle veered to the right, where it rammed into the guardrail and then careened down the… Read More »

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The Pre Sentencing Interview in Florida

By Salazar & Kelly Law Group, P.A. |

In Florida, after being convicted of a crime and before sentencing, you will undergo a pre-sentence interview. This is essentially an investigative interview with a probation officer who will ultimately be tasked with making a recommendation for sentencing. If you’re headed to such an interview, the impression you make will likely have a significant… Read More »

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