Author Archives: Jay Butchko
Dog Attacks Injure and Kill
Loose dogs continue to terrorize neighborhoods throughout Florida, wreaking fear and pain to unsuspecting people who are out and about. Why are vicious animals unleashed and harming innocents? And what recourse do people have following an attack that causes injuries or death? Recent Attacks A 93-year-old Modesto woman was attacked by two dogs while… Read More »
Charges of Health Care Fraud
Some Florida residents will be spending the next several years behind bars, thanks to their involvement in a health care scheme that centered around submitting claims for services that were never rendered to patients whose identities were stolen. This country faces a serious challenge in terms of health care fraud, and authorities are not… Read More »
Fatal Accidents
Fatal motor vehicle accidents: they impact so many people beyond those who die in the collision. Perhaps the most horrendous part of it all is that so many of these types of accidents are preventable, if only people would take more precautions on the road. Simply staying focused on the task at hand can… Read More »
Justice and Indigent, Incompetent, and Juvenile Defendants
The criminal justice system is supposed to be designed to exact justice, right? Even though everyone can agree to that basic tenet, things get a little more complicated when trying to define justice, and when looking at some of the groups commonly involved in criminal activity. Defining Justice? Justice is a lofty idea. Criminal… Read More »
Fiery Jet Crash Closes Down Highway
You never know what might come your way on the highway. Accidents occur involving unsuspecting drivers due to others who speed, who develop road rage, or who just aren’t paying attention to the road as they text, talk to others in the car, handle unruly pets, or search for an address. Wrong-way drivers startle… Read More »
Are Liability Waivers Always the Final Word? A Look at OceanGate Expeditions
There was no word from the tiny undersea vessel. The Titan submersible had been missing for nearly two hours, and the world waited for news with bated breath. According to the U.S. Navy, there was evidence suggesting an underwater implosion, but the search continued as everyone hoped for good news. It was not to… Read More »
Florida Hit-and-Runs
Watching the video of the accident is breathtaking. A vehicle rolled through a stop sign, and then rammed into the side of Jonny Fitzcharles, who was riding a motorized scooter. The woman who caused the crash exited her vehicle, took a look at Fitzcharles, and turned away, leaving him writhing in the street. She… Read More »
Appealing Your Florida Conviction
If you’ve been criminally charged and undergone a stressful trial, only to discover that justice was not served and an innocent person (you) are going to be stuck with some pretty unpleasant consequences after a guilty verdict, what choice do you have other than to suck it up and suffer the penalty? Well, in… Read More »
Do You Have a Personal Injury Claim?
If you or a loved one has suffered serious injury or death through no fault of your own, you may be thinking about filing a personal injury claim in order to recoup damages. What can you expect going forward? Our experienced personal injury attorneys can answer your questions as they fight for the best… Read More »
Teens can be Dangerous Behind the Wheel
It may surprise some to learn that one of the leading causes of death for teens in this country is vehicle collisions. The most tragic part of this is the fact that so many of these crashes are completely avoidable. The Numbers Appallingly, nearly 3,000 teenagers died and over 225,000 were hospitalized with serious… Read More »