Category Archives: Premises Liability

Is Your Child Safe on the Playground?
Most children would love to spend hours every day on the local playground. But are they safe? The startling fact of the matter is, over 200,000 children are hospitalized due to playground injuries every year across this country. While some injuries are simply unavoidable accidents, others may be due to poor playground construction, design,… Read More »

When a Fall Leads to Injuries, Who is Liable?
Anyone can fall, and much of the time there’s no consequence beyond a bit of bruised dignity. However, all too often a slip or fall can result in fairly serious injuries, with the associated mind-blowing medical costs. So if that fall occurs in a public location, who is liable for the bills? For answers… Read More »

Landlords May be Responsible for Negligent Security
When you walk around the common areas of your apartment complex, or you visit a friend, you expect to be safe. You assume your landlord has taken measures to ensure strangers are not walking around your apartment building or the outside areas. Or, if strangers do have access to the common areas of your… Read More »

Were You Injured at a Pool?
In Florida, landowners, or the parties that occupy and take care of the land, must keep it safe for you and other guests. This encompasses all parts of land, including the ground, walkways, parking lots, play areas, and the inside and outside of buildings. This is known as premises liability law, and the specific… Read More »

Your Rights After a Slip and Fall
When you go for a run on your city’s bike path or shop at the store, you expect the environment to be relatively safe. It may not be perfect; to be sure, there may be cracks in the pavement or crumbs on the ground, but nothing that could cause you harm. However, your expectations… Read More »
Premises Liability and Florida Law
Under Florida law, if you slip and fall on a spill or substance on the floor of a business and suffer injuries, you may be able to bring a personal injury claim against that business. As a general rule, all businesses have a duty to be responsible for the safety of visitors who enter… Read More »