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Common Causes of Auto Accidents in Florida

Recent statistics published by the United States Census Bureau indicate that as of just a few years ago, there were 11 million car accidents nationwide within a single calendar year, the highest amount on record. The causes of these accidents are generally split into two overarching categories: driver error and everything else.

Driver error, according to information from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, is by far the most common cause of accidents throughout the country. Most common among driver error accidents is distracted driving. In fact, 25 percent of all accidents are related to the use of cell phones while in the vehicle, either by talking or texting while driving.

Distracted drivers are usually operating under the assumption that they are able to effectively multitask while on the road, but numerous medical studies have shown that the human brain is not able to engage in two different important tasks simultaneously.

Other examples or driver error include decisions drivers make while on the road, such as driving under the influence or choosing to drive at inappropriate speeds. Younger drivers are in particular much more likely to speed than older drivers, with male teens being the largest demographic causing speeding-related accidents. Driving while fatigued has similar effects to driving while intoxicated.

Non-driver error accidents include accidents caused by roadway conditions or weather hazards. Mechanical failures within a vehicle can also be the cause of accidents.

If you have suffered an injury in a car accident that you believe was the fault of another driver, speak with a respected Orlando attorney at the Law Offices of Salazar & Kelly.

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