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Consequences of Drunk Driving: When you Experience Personal Injury & Need Legal Help


Regardless of the public service announcements and education campaigns that flood the media, when it comes to drunk driving, some people just don’t seem to get the message. Sadly, getting behind the wheel when incapacitated can have costly, and even deadly, effects. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured or killed due to a drunk driver’s carelessness, a local personal injury attorney can assist in getting the justice deserved.

DUI Statistics in Florida

Florida law considers drivers to be impaired when their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) reaches .08 percent. Nationwide, millions of individuals continue to choose to drive when legally impaired, at a cost of over $40 billion annually. Studies indicate that roughly one-third of traffic fatalities in this country are directly related to drunk driving.

In Florida, that amounts to nearly 9,000 deaths over a 9-year period.  And the numbers appear to be getting worse. Between 2015 and 2015, The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reports some unpleasant data:

  • Fatalities related to alcohol impairment rose by seven percent;
  • Drug-related fatalities went up by over 30 percent.

In 2017 alone, the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles reports some incredibly high numbers related to driving under the influence in the Sunshine State, putting all drivers at risk:

  • Nearly 44,000 DUI tickets issued;
  • Over 24,000 DUI convictions.

The Human Costs are Tremendous

The impact of driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol can be extremely serious to innocent people who are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time:

  • After being sideswiped by a drunk driver, four people were hospitalized in Chipley Hospital or Southeast Alabama Medical Center. Although the drunk driver left the scene on foot, he was ultimately captured and arrested for the crimes.
  • An Ocala woman who rear-ended a tractor-trailer suffered minor injuries from the crash. Unfortunately, her mother was killed in the accident.
  • A young man from Kissimmee was stopped at a red light when his Hyundai was rear-ended by a drunk driver. His car smashed into two other vehicles and burst into flames, killing the innocent driver.

Legal Penalties

Under Florida statute 316.193, drivers found guilty of driving while intoxicated face a myriad of potential consequences, getting more severe with an increased number of convictions, when injuries or fatalities result from an accident, and other relevant factors are considered. Possible penalties include:

  • Fines;
  • Revocation of Driver’s License;
  • DUI Classes;
  • Ignition Interlock System;
  • Community Service;
  • Probation;
  • Imprisonment.

If DUI Impacts You

Nothing can repair the damage done to families who’ve had the health, or the very life, of a loved one stolen from them due to the reckless actions of an impaired driver. But at the Salazar & Kelly Law Group, P.A., our experienced legal team is determined to exact justice on your behalf, and will fight to recover medical costs, lost wages, and damages related to pain and suffering, among other costs. If you want empathetic, yet zealous representation, contact our Kissimmee office for a no-cost, confidential consultation today.






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