Florida Drownings

Florida has the dubious distinction of leading the nation in drowning deaths. Tragically, many of these incidents involve young children who are lacking appropriate supervision. If your child experiences a serious, or even a fatal drowning as a result of someone else’s negligence, it would be in your best interests to seek the counsel of a local attorney.
Statistics are Worrisome
Over 50 children died in drownings across the Sunshine State in 2017 alone. Tragically, four in five of those deaths were children aged 5 and younger. It is alarming to note that in 2020, Florida’s drowning statistics have already exceeded those for 2019. In just two months this year, a dozen children lost their lives in pools and other bodies of water. Experts believe that families who are trying to manage the demands of teleworking while attempting to supervise their own children, possibly in addition to neighborhood kids who are not in school or daycare due to school shutdowns, has led to lapses in diligent supervision. It is important to understand that it only takes seconds for a youngster to get into trouble around water.
Safety Tips
There are definite steps that responsible adults should be taking when youngsters are out having a day at the pool, ocean, or other bodies of water:
- Never allow children to be alone in or near water;
- Don’t leave safety on the shoulders of the lifeguard—assign an adult in your party to keep an eye on the kids;
- Make sure kids learn to swim at an early age;
- Train children to avoid suction outlets or drains where clothing or hair could get caught;
- Maker sure backyard pools are not accessible to young children by keeping them fenced in and having removable ladders on the poolside;
- If you allow your children to go swimming with someone else, ensure there will be adequate supervision at all times;
- Know how to perform CPR in the event you ever need to use it.
Family Heartache
How can parents ever recover from the loss of a child in such a senseless accident? It’s difficult to contemplate day-to-day life without the joy of that child in your life anymore, and to realize that proper supervision could have eliminated the risk of an accident. While not every drowning is fatal, many instances involve children surviving, but facing serious ramifications as a result of brain damage due to the loss of oxygen over an extended period of time. That could mean memory problems, learning difficulties, and physical struggles for a lifetime.
More than Heartache
The incalculable emotional devastation associated with this type of incident is bad enough on its own. Unfortunately, that is not the total story. Medical expenses, funeral costs, and pain and suffering are all potentially compensable if your child’s accident was due to the negligence of others. To discuss how to move forward, schedule a free, confidential consultation with the Kissimmee personal injury attorneys at the Salazar & Kelly Law Group, P.A. in our office today.