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Kissimmee Water & Wind Damage Claim Attorney

When you pay your monthly premium on time, month after month and year after year, you help to ensure that when the time comes, your insurance provider will do the right thing and help you when you suffer water or wind damage. Unfortunately, many insurers act in bad faith and deny coverage, respond with undervalued offers, or delay coverage all in an attempt to increase their shareholders’ profits. This is truly unfair, but it is a common practice and the only way to fight back is to work with an attorney. The Kissimmee water and wind damage attorneys will aggressively negotiate on your behalf and, if needed, take your insurance company to court via lawsuit. We stop at nothing to ensure that our clients’ rights are protected and that large insurance companies do not shy away from their legal obligation to pay what they owe.

Kissimmee Water Damage

There is no faster way to ruin your carpet, drywalls, and appliances than with water damage. With water damage also comes mold and rot damage, which can affect the health of your family and the structural integrity (caused by rot) of your home if not treated. Water damage can come in all types, though not all are covered by standard Florida homeowner’s insurance plans:

  • Broken pipes;
  • Leaking roof, windows, or walls;
  • Construction defects;
  • Clogged toilet, sink, shower, or bathtub;
  • Hurricane;
  • Tropical storm; and
  • Other forms of flooding.

Flood damage is not typically covered by homeowner’s insurance plans unless you specifically bought a flood protection plan through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The wording surrounding the term “flood” is tricky and your insurance provider may attempt to claim that your damage was caused by a flood, even if it was not. For example, a “flood” must cover at least two acres or affect two properties of normally dry land. If your home was the only home on the block damaged by the waters of a hurricane, your insurance provider should be held responsible for paying.

Did an Insurance Broker Knowingly Misrepresent The Plan They Sold You as Being Certified by The Florida Flood Insurance Statute?

An insurer who knowingly misrepresents that a flood policy meets Florida’s flood insurance statute 627.715 violates the Unfair or Deceptive Act statute 626.9541. If you were deceived by the insurer who sold you your insurance plan, we will hold that party accountable.

Wind Damage

Our attorneys will help you receive coverage no matter how your real estate was damaged by wind. Common causes of wind damage in south Florida include:

  • Tropical storm;
  • Hurricane; and
  • Tornado.

Typical damage includes damage to the roof, siding, windows, garage door, personal property inside the dwelling, sheds, and more.

Contact a Professional Wind and Water Damage Attorney Who Will Get The Job Done

Insurance companies have virtually endless resources, lawyers, insurance adjusters, other personnel, and time on their hands. They will do whatever they believe they can legally do to deny you coverage. Because of this, only an experienced and highly successful Kissimmee wind and water damage attorney will be able to provide you with the legal clout that you need to win. Call the Salazar & Kelly Law Group, P.A. today.

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