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Methods of Proving Fault in a Car Accident Injury Claim

If you are seeking to file a personal injury claim after you are injured in a car accident, one of the key aspects of your case will be your ability to prove that the other driver was at fault in the accident. While there are steps you can take at the scene of the crime to gather your own evidence, including taking pictures of both cars and the surrounding area and gathering witness information, there are also methods you can follow after the accident to arm yourself with information.

For one, you will almost certainly want to get a copy of the police report of the accident. If the police came to your accident scene (which they should — you should always call law enforcement after getting into an accident), they will have most likely filed an official accident report. You can speak to someone from the traffic division of your local law enforcement department for more information about getting a copy of that report. This report could contain an officer’s opinion about who was at fault, or specific information about citations or negligent behavior.

You should also familiarize yourself with the various traffic laws in your municipality. Your local DMV should have guides to all of Florida’s traffic laws, and you should also be able to find them online. If you believe that the other driver in your accident violated a specific law, you can double check within this guide to get evidence of this.

Finally, there are certain situations in which it is almost always presumed that one driver is at fault. Rear-end collisions and left-turn accidents, for example, are 99 percent of the time caused by one driver’s negligence, meaning there is little doubt that you were the victim in the crash. Be sure to emphasize this point in your case if you were the victim of one of these types of “no doubt” accidents.

The experienced Orlando car accident attorneys at the Law Offices of Salazar & Kelly will work with you to gather evidence for your injury claim.

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