Preparing Your Criminal Defense

Criminal charges can lead to severe penalties. At the Salazar & Kelly Law Group, our defense attorneys are committed to fighting on behalf of defendants with knowledge and skill. We strive to keep clients apprised of our efforts from day one. Although every case is different, here’s what you can expect:
- Full-out effort on your behalf: We will address your concerns, track down leads, and follow through on commitments.
- An up-front, down-to-earth assessment of your situation: We will weigh the facts in hand and give you the best guidance we can based on Florida law.
Trial Preparation
We always fight to achieve the best possible outcomes. Ideally, we work to get charges dropped or at least reduced. At times a plea bargain reduces sentencing requirements or commutes a sentence to time served. In other cases, participation in alternative programming is a good outcome. When cases go to trial, a vigorous effort toward a verdict of innocence is always the goal. You can count on a robust courtroom presence, thorough preparation, and critical thinking, with the effective development of a counter narrative to the prosecution’s story. All in all, we have a no-holds-barred approach that includes these 20 factors:
- Striving to understand the approach/deportment/personality of the specific judge overseeing the trial;
- Demonstrating respect for the system and working effectually within it;
- Preparing strategies and materials in a sensible way;
- Ensuring effective communication with all parties;
- Interviewing witnesses;
- Locating expert witnesses to address evidence in the case;
- Thoroughly researching case law to develop a theory of the case and find precedents to support our theory;
- Filing motions on behalf of the client in order to strengthen our position;
- Participating in discovery requirements according to the law;
- Subpoenaing documents, witnesses, and other evidence to build our case;
- Contemplating specific objectives during jury selection;
- Fashioning a strong, sincere opening argument to present to the jury;
- Preparing you and other witnesses to testify on your behalf;
- Creating exhibits to demonstrate our view to the jury;
- Challenging testimony, evidence and conclusions drawn by the prosecution and providing alternative theories to the case;
- Anticipating the potential moves of the prosecution and being prepared for them;
- Delivering powerful, logical closing arguments;
- Submitting jury instructions to the judge;
- Maintaining accurate records in the event an appeal is appropriate;
- Assessing the verdict and working with the client to determine next steps when necessary.
Getting Started
The experienced Kissimmee criminal defense attorneys at Salazar & Kelly Law Group will provide the criminal defense you deserve. To discuss your situation in a safe, confidential manner, schedule a consultation in our Kissimmee office today.