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Road Rage Can Have Criminal Consequences


Have you been arrested after losing your cool on the road? If you were hot headed while behind the wheel, you could be facing some serious charges. Now, more than ever, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney looking out for your rights.

Aggressive Driving & Road Rage 

Road rage can be exhibited in a number of ways, none of which are acceptable under Florida law.  Even if an incident doesn’t result in injuries, your actions could land you behind bars for as long as 90 days, in addition to some pretty unpleasant fines and impacts on your driving record—possibly even your ability to drive at all! Surely, misdemeanor reckless and aggressive driving charges are not worth it!  Your driving behavior, regardless of any affronts by other drivers, is your responsibility, and the ramifications of losing your temper may be more than you bargained for. What actions could get you into this kind of legal trouble?  A number of aggressive driving behaviors could emerge into road rage, including;

  • Tailgating;
  • Sideswiping;
  • Driving significantly above posted speed limits;
  • Swerving in and out of traffic;
  • Unpredictable or fitful driving;
  • Intimidation of others;
  • Brake checking;
  • Street racing;
  • Blocking motorists attempting to change lanes or merge.

When Rage Leads to Harm

Aggressive driving can evolve into road rage quickly, as it becomes more violent. Both are dangerous and can lead to accidents.  Some very serious examples of road rage—such as getting out of your vehicle to fight, or displaying a gun, knife, bat, or other weapon—even the vehicle itself– to threaten motorists, can be even more terrifying, and the outcomes can include grave physical harm, or even death.  The number of road rage events has escalated in the last decade, with 15 percent of motorists saying they have been intimidated by another driver getting out of their vehicle to scream or to challenge them to a fight. That is precisely the thing that could lead to charges of assault with a deadly weapon, battery, vehicular manslaughter, or even murder, which are felony charges. That could mean years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines.

Stay Calm 

Undoubtedly, it can be difficult to remain calm when dealing with discourteous drivers, congested traffic, roadwork, and the oppressive Florida heat.  Nonetheless, there are no winners in road rage incidents, so maintaining your poise benefits you as much as others on the road.  How can you manage it? Some tips include:

  • Make sure you have all the time you need to get to your destination. Time crunches make many people edgy and more likely to experience road rage;
  • Give other drivers a little slack; if they cut you off or do something else irritating- chalk it up to a simple mistake, nothing personal;
  • If someone on the road is getting under your skin, stay out of their way. Hopefully they’ll be out of sight and mind in no time;
  • Behave courteously yourself to avoid dealing with others’ reactions to your driving.

Are You Facing Charges for Road Rage? 

Regrets following a dangerous road rage incident aren’t going to be enough to satisfy a prosecutor who’s out to get justice for a victim of your actions. That’s why the Kissimmee criminal defense attorneys at Salazar & Kelly Law Group are here to help. To discuss your situation, schedule a confidential consultation in our Kissimmee office today.



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