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Some Important Texting While Driving Statistics

There has been a lot made about texting while driving in the news lately, and rightfully so. Studies indicate that approximately 25 percent of all car accidents are related to people who are using their phones either for talking or texting.

So with the nation’s attention turning to putting a stop to texting while driving, what are some of the key statistics that we should be aware of to show just how pervasive this problem truly is? The following are some examples:

  • Every time a person decides to text while driving, they will take their eyes off the road for an average time of five seconds. This equates to driving roughly the length of a football field when driving at 55 miles per hour.

  • Texting driving makes drivers take their eyes off the road longer than any other distracted driving activity, making a crash 23 times more likely than if you’d simply keep the phone put away.

  • Teens are the biggest offenders. About 13 percent of drivers between 18 and 20 that were in car accidents admitted to talking or texting while driving. Of all teenagers with cell phones, 34 percent admit to have texted while driving.

  • In a frightening statistic, 77 percent of young adults believe that they can safely text while driving, and 55 percent go so far to say that it’s actually easy to pull off.

  • Parental habits can have an influence on young drivers. 48 percent of young drivers have seen their parents talk on the cell phone while behind the wheel, and 15 percent have seen their parents text behind the wheel. 27 percent of adults say they have either sent or received texts while behind the wheel.

It’s clear that texting while driving is a problem that needs to be stopped and discouraged particularly among younger drivers. Consult the skilled Orlando car accident attorneys at the Law Offices of Salazar & Kelly for more information on a potential personal injury claim after a serious crash.

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