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The Benefits of Plea Bargains

If you have been accused of a crime, there is a chance you will be offered a plea bargain, which essentially is a way of reducing the penalties you might face on the condition you enter a guilty plea. Whether this is the best option for you depends on the evidence against you and other key circumstances surrounding your case.

However, should you choose to accept a plea bargain, there are a variety of benefits to doing so. These include the following:

  • Financial savings. You will likely save a significant amount of money on attorneys’ fees if accept a plea bargain, especially when you consider that cases that go to trial often stretch out over long periods of time.

  • Getting out of jail. If you do not have the right to bail or simply cannot afford to pay it, you may be able to get out of jail as soon as a judge accepts your plea. Depending on the terms of your plea bargain, you might either receive a shorter jail sentence or get out of a jail sentence completely through a probation period.

  • Expediting the legal process. Some people just hate the idea of being entangled in court hearings and want to get the matter over with as soon as possible. A plea bargain grants you that ability.

  • Clearing your record. Part of your plea bargain might include accepting lesser charges to avoid having major criminal charges on your permanent record. This could be very important should you ever need to search for a job or attend an institution of higher learning.

  • Avoiding publicity. Especially if you are a public figure, avoiding the publicity of a trial can be reason enough to accept a plea bargain.

There are plenty of other reasons why people facing criminal charges tend to accept plea bargains. For more information on this issue and whether it’s the right decision for you, consult the trusted Orlando criminal defense attorneys at the Law Offices of Salazar & Kelly.

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