The Deadliest Holidays on the Road

There are holidays all across the calendar in this country, oftentimes bringing family across the miles together in celebration. But with all those extra vehicles on the road, the chance for an increase in roadway traffic accidents goes up, too.
Causes for the Increase in Accidents
In addition to the sheer volume of vehicles out on holidays causing congested roadways, many of those drivers are tired from lengthy drives, are recklessly attempting to get to their destination quickly, are more apt to be tense and experience road rage, and are driving despite having enjoyed a drink or two—or more—before getting behind the wheel. All of these issues contribute to holiday driving that is more dangerous and more deadly than ordinary commuting.
The 5 Most Dangerous Holidays
So which holidays are the most deadly across the country? Here are the five with the most fatalities on average:
#5: Cinco de Mayo
May 5 averages 419 fatalities every year. It’s a holiday that celebrates the culture of Mexico, often with Mexican-themed parties with food and drink. The drinking part of celebrations is a primary reason for the high accident and death rates.
# 4: Father’s Day
June’s third Sunday honors fathers of all stripes, often with festivities that include barbecues, alcohol, and family gatherings. The increase in traffic combined with the alcohol lead to an average death rate that tops 430 annually.
#3: Independence Day
July 4th is the country’s celebration of American Independence from the British, with plenty of backyard cooking, games, and fireworks. Along with the good times, however, is a nearly 20 percent increase in traffic fatalities, mostly due to drinking while driving in heavy traffic, in addition to fatigued driving. The average number of traffic fatalities: 440.
#2: Labor Day
The final celebration of the summer season is a nice long weekend of families and friends enjoying backyard barbecues and games. Unfortunately, nearly 40 percent of fatalities on this day are connected to drinking and driving, with an average of 445 deaths each year.
#1: Memorial Day
The last Monday of May is a particularly exciting holiday, with kids ending the school year and a three-day weekend with which to jump into summer. Aggressive driving, drunk driving, running red lights and increased traffic all contribute to fatal collisions, with an average of 448 annually.
Staying Safe
It’s important to be a defensive driver every time you’re on the road, and on holidays in particular. Additionally, minimize distractions, make sure everyone is belted in, and give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination.
You Can’t Always Protect Yourself
Unfortunately, despite doing everything right, there are times that reckless or negligent drivers cause injuries and deaths of innocent people. That’s when the skilled Kissimmee car accident attorneys at Salazar & Kelly Law Group can help. We can look at your case and pursue damages to address medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. To discuss, contact our Kissimmee office today.