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Understanding Florida’s Laws Related to Guns, Weapons

Florida maintains specific laws and regulations regarding the possession and carrying of guns and other weapons. The state does conduct background checks for firearms sold by importers, manufacturers and federally licensed gun dealers, and there are other regulations for purchasing and carrying firearms and weapons.

Purchasing laws

The specifics of handgun or long gun (including shotgun and rifle) purchasing include:

  • You do not need a specialized permit to purchase a firearm.
  • You must be a resident of the state, or have proof of 90 days of owning property in Florida.
  • You must be at least 21 years old.
  • Background checks are conducted for both concealed weapon permit holders and non-holders with your demographic data and don’t require a fingerprint.
  • You may purchase as many firearms as you wish for each background check.
  • The background check has to be repeated for each future sale.

There is a mandatory three-day waiting period, depending on the city, county or municipality, for purchasing a handgun, unless you have a valid Florida concealed weapon permit. Long guns do not require any waiting period for buyers who don’t have concealed weapon permits.

Carrying laws

It is unlawful to openly carry a firearm, or to conceal it without a concealed weapon permit, except in the following locations or circumstances:

  • On the way home or to a repair center from the place of purchase, if the firearm is unloaded and wrapped.
  • In the home or place of business.
  • At or en-route to or from shooting clubs, target practice or firearm collectors clubs.
  • At or en-route to or from hunting, fishing or camping.
  • On the job as a military, private guard or law enforcement personnel.

It is also unlawful for minors, convicted felons and proven vagrants, drug addicts, alcoholics or the mentally incompetent to own, possess or use a firearm, although minors can use them within reason with parental permission.

These regulations are constantly changing, so be sure to meet with a dedicated Orlando criminal defense attorney at Salazar & Kelly Law Group, P.A. if you have been charged with violating the state’s gun laws.

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