Use Your Head After an Arrest

You’ve been arrested. Adrenaline is rushing through your body; you absolutely are not thinking straight. But now, more than ever, you need to keep your cool, because mistakes in this situation can be very costly. Try to think rationally and keep these tips in mind:
Cooperation is essential. It is NEVER smart to resist arrest or, worse, to try to escape from police.
You need an attorney. After all, you are a suspect in a criminal case. Having an attorney with you is the way to ensure that your rights are protected.
Don’t speak. This is the time to politely explain to officers that you will be exercising your 5th Amendment rights. You do not have to answer any questions until your attorney arrives. Don’t try to justify or clarify your actions at all. Even casual chatting that might seem unconnected to the case at hand could be a trap that detectives use to try to glean information. The only things you should consider asking is if you are free to go, or if you can call your attorney.
Limit what you say about the case to friends and family. At some point it’s possible these people will be called to testify about what they know or have heard from you so whatever you’ve disclosed could wind up hurting you. Don’t put yourself or them in a position where they may have to jeopardize your case!
Do not post anything on social media that might lead to character attacks. You simply can’t know what might be used against you down the road. Of course, never post anything about the case at hand!
Do not reach out to your accuser. Don’t try to clear up any misunderstandings or offer apologies. If you are contacted by the crime victim, shut it down and let your attorney know.
Be respectful in court. Arrive on time for court appearances, dress appropriately, and do whatever it takes to get along with the judge. Anything short of that could be viewed as a sign of disrespect for the judicial process –or worse—toward the judge. Any hostility, arrogance, or disrespect on your part could lead to contempt of court charges. That could result in fines and/or jail time.
Be straight with your attorney. Any criminal defense attorney is committed to fighting for your rights, but that’s pretty tough if relevant details have been held back. No defense attorney relishes the idea of having a prosecutor spring surprises that implicate their client in a crime.
Call an attorney. The dedicated and knowledgeable Kissimmee criminal defense attorneys at Salazar & Kelly Law Group will give it everything they’ve got in order to get the best possible outcomes in your case. Call our office for a confidential consultation today.