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Kissimmee Criminal Defense & Injury Attorney > Video FAQs > Kissimmee Criminal Defense Video FAQs > What is the officer looking for during the initial detention at the drunk driving scene?

What is the officer looking for during the initial detention at the drunk driving scene?

Video Transcription:

What the officer is doing, is looking for every single clue or cue that he can use against you in your case when it goes to court. The officer is listening for any statement that you can make, he’s looking at your facial expressions, he’s smelling to see if he can smell the smell of alcohol or alcoholic beverages, he’s watching your step, he’s seeing if you can sway, he’s looking to see what you look at. He’s out there trying to get any and everything that he can to use against you. If you find yourself in that position, don’t say anything that can be used against you, and don’t agree to do any searches or tests or examinations that can be used against you in court.

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