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Kissimmee Personal Injury & Criminal Attorney > Video FAQs > Kissimmee Personal Injury Video FAQs > I did not feel pain at the scene and refused medical treatment. Now, a few days later, I am in pain. What should I do?

I did not feel pain at the scene and refused medical treatment. Now, a few days later, I am in pain. What should I do?

Video Transcription:

If you didn’t feel pain at the time of the accident and now you feel pain, you should go see a physician, go seek a qualified physician to evaluate you. It’s common for people to not feel pain at the time of the accident and then at some point, start to feel pain, and if you’re in that position, go see a doctor. Just remember, in Florida, you’ve got 14 days to see a doctor and if you don’t, you may lose valuable medical coverage under your insurance. If you need to see a lawyer to evaluate your legal claim, contact Salazar & Kelly. We’ll be glad to take a look at that for you.

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